Visiting Angels is the nation's leading, nationally respected network of non-medical, private duty home care agencies providing senior care, elder care, personal care, respite care and companion care to help the elderly and adults continue to live in their homes across America.

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We are an independently owned and operated franchise of Visiting Angels®, a nationwide corporation, providing non-medical home care services which allow people to maintain the independence of their daily routines in their own homes or familiar surroundings. We serve many locations around Tampa Bay Florida including, Tampa, New Tampa, Lutz, Oldsmar, Dade City, Zephyrhills, Land O' Lakes, Wesley Chapel, New Port Richey, Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Trinity, and Hudson.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Top 10 Ways To Help Seniors Beat The Heat

Seniors Are Especially Susceptible To Problems Caused By The Florida Heat
The Tampa Bay Area of Florida starts getting more than a little warm this time of year, and it makes good sense for everyone, including seniors, to be mindful of the heat.  The warmer months bring risks to susecptible elderly populations, especially with the intense sun and heat experienced here on Florida's Gulf Coast.

That's why Visiting Angels, the nation's leading at-home non-medical, assisted living service provider, has created the following tips to help seniors prepare for the sweltering conditions and rigors of living in a Florida summer. 

Keep Household Windows Open.
The elderly tend to lose their sense of body temperature, which could lead to death from heat illnesses.  According to the Center for Disease Control, during 1979 to 1999, over 8,000 heat-related deaths occurred in this country.  As people age, their brain sometimes can't recognize that the body is overheating.  As a result, some seniors keep windows closed or wear sweaters on extremely hot days because they feel cold.  Be sure to open windows throughout the house to circulate fresh air and maintain a safe temperature.

Stay Cool Inside Motor Vehicles.
When traveling in a motor vehicle with seniors, always maintain a suitable temperature during the trip.  Leave windows open if they stay in a vehicle while you run into the store.  Like very young members of the family, seniors need fresh air, as they run a greater risk of overheating in a hot, closed vehicle.  And of course for safety, make sure all passengers use their seat belts. 

Minimize Exposure To The Sun.
Whether it is around the house, in the park or at the beach, seniors need to limit direct exposure to the sun.  Not only do they run a higher risk of skin disease, sunburn or overheating, they may also experience exhaustion, an often dangerous -- and overlooked -- hazard during the summer.  Being overactive or simply sitting outside too long puts the elderly at risk to serious conditions which may threaten their health.  To minimize risks, wear light colored clothing and plan outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day. 

Drink Plenty Of Fluids.
Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but the elderly tend to lose fluids faster than any other age group.  Given the threat of overheating and becoming physically strained, it is important that seniors drink a lot of water and other liquids to get the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Avoid Stressful Activities.
Seniors should be careful how much energy they expend outdoors during the summer months.  It can be difficult for the elderly to give up activities or responsibilities as they get older, so be sure that seniors are not over-extending themselves.  Tasks such as mowing lawns and gardening should be saved for cooler days, or passed on to landscaping companies.

Stay Active, But Cool.
Take part in activities that are enjoyable and appropriate for weather conditions, and emphasize socialization.  Pool exercises are a perfect way for seniors to stay fit, flexible and cool.  Also, many community centers provide activities in air conditioned facilities for the elderly that focus on their interests, and allow trained staff to monitor conditions.

Understand How Sun Exposure Can Effect Certain Medications.
Some prescription medications can have negative side effects if the user has prolonged exposure to the sun or takes part in outdoor physical activities in very hot weather.  Certain medications can impair the body's ability to regulate its temperature or inhibit perspiration under similar conditions.  All of these risks are amplified when combined with alcoholic beverages.  Seniors should always read the warning labels on medication and check with a physician or pharmacist to avoid harmful side effects.

Wear Sunscreen And Bug Repellant.
The season's sun and bugs can be a challenge to summer comfort, so be prepared to prevent their sting.  Keep bug repellants and a high-SPF sunscreen on hand, and apply the treatment regularly in accordance with the label instructions.

Establish a Buddy System.
Create a routine where a family member, a friend or local volunteer, checks on the elderly on a daily basis when the temperatures are hot.  This is especially important for seniors who suffer from Alzheimer's or dementia.  The elderly affected by dementia may be unable to communicate their discomfort or may become confused about their body temperature.  Capable seniors should also be proactive and find someone to check on them and monitor their safety/health on a regular basis.

Know The Warning Signs Of Heat Exhaustion.
Unusual fatigue, dizziness, nausea and headaches may be early signs of heat exhaustion.  Keep an eye on neighbors and friends who may be prone to fatigue or dehydration to ensure their safety.  Ignoring or not knowing the signs may lead to heat stroke and possible death.  If you find that someone is exhibiting the signs, hydrate them, find them a cool place to rest, and consult a physician,  Call 9-1-1 if the problem is serious or if it persists.

Contact Us Today!
The hot Florida sun can be a very serious matter for seniors.  If you have specific questions about how to keep seniors safe and comfortable during the hot weather, please contact us.  Here in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida, let us demostrate that Visiting Angels is "America's Choice In Home Care!"  If you would like to set up a free no-obligation assessment for your loved one, or just want to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable Angels, just give us a call at 813-909-2550, or, 727-841-8440.  If you prefer, please send us an email.  Our email address is:

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